Artistic License Biology: Eddie is a green electric eel that has fangs and lives in the ocean.Anti-Frustration Features: If you fool around long enough, a character will randomly give you a hint.Truth in Television, as female narwhals do occasionally grow a tusk like the males. Animal Gender-Bender: Nadine is a female narwhal with a tusk, which she says is very rare.Marty's dogfish from The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove Similar to the Junkyard Dogfish, Freddi and Luther can bribe him using his rubber ducky chew toy to get out of their way.The Junkyard Dogfish reappears Maze Madness as a regular enemy in the game's later stages.The Junkyard Dogfish, in The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds, who guards the Junkyard, and won't let Freddi and Luther in unless they give him a bone first.And Now for Someone Completely Different: Downplayed there are two brief sequences (retrieving Casey's glasses from a pothole they've fallen down in Haunted Schoolhouse and inside a shipwreck in Creature of Coral Cove) where the player plays only as Luther for a few screens because Freddi can't access the area (notably, the inventory disappears during these sequences).Ironically, while Freddi is the heroine of an Adventure Game, a genre infamous for its Kleptomaniac Heroes, Freddi herself doesn't steal and many puzzles rely on Freddi using a Chain of Deals so she can borrow something. An Aesop: All the main games have one, usually Freddi telling others that it's wrong to steal kelp seeds/other children's toys/a ceremonial conch shell/a collection of hogfish/the deed to land you don't own.Ambidextrous Sprite: In Water Worries, Luther and Freddi always use the fin that's further from the player to hold their slingshots (and in Freddi's case, her net).Recurring character Eddie the Eel counts, too.Barnacle Bob, owner of the Pulley Emporium.Particularly chuckle-worthy in that said "desert" is underwater. All Deserts Have Cacti: Freddi Fish 4.Air-Vent Passageway: This is how Freddi and Luther access the school's boiler room in The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse.Croaker and the schoolchildren in The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse.

Adults Are More Anthropomorphic: While there are exceptions, usually the adult fish in the games float in a more upright position and wear more pieces of clothing than Freddi and Luther.Added Alliterative Appeal: Water Worries, Maze Madness, and The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove.Additionally, the album Flabby Rode features the Cut Song " Fat Chants 2 " from Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds.Ī demo version of The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse can be downloaded from Infogrames, and a clickpoint demonstration of The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove can be played or downloaded from Spektakle.
The series also spawned multiple children's books (not all of which may have been published), including Freddi Fish and the Pirate's Treasure, Freddi Fish Notebook, Freddi Fish: A Whale of a Tale!, Freddi Fish: Boek is Zoek, Freddi Fish: Color and Activity Book, Freddi Fish: De Geheimzinnige Brief, Freddi Fish: Help! Een Draak!, Freddi Fish: Kleurenfestival, Freddi Fish: Leesplezier voor Beginnende Lezers, Freddi Fish: Meester Zeester in Nood, Freddi Fish: Superleuke Rekenoefeningen, Freddi Fish: Superleuke Schrijfoefeningen, Freddi Fish: The Big Froople Match, Freddi Fish: The Missing Letters Mystery, Freddi Fish: What's Different?, and Sing Along with Freddi Fish and her Friends (doubling as an Audio Adaptation). Freddi Fish: ABCs Under the Sea ( sometimes called Freddi Fish: ABC's Under the Sea or Freddi Fish: ABC Under the Sea).Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness (1996).Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries (1996).Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove (2001).